The results show that the periodic oscillation of the immediate distortion is caused by the pulsed laser wave. 结果表明,激光的脉冲作用引起瞬时变形周期性振荡;
Effects of pulsed laser parameters such as laser wavelength, beam spot size, pulse energy and pulse duration on threshold energy in laser simulating Single Event Effect testing are analyzed. 分析了在激光模拟单粒子效应试验中激光波长、束斑大小、脉冲能量、脉冲宽度等脉冲激光参数对阈值能量的影响。
Negative photovoltaic-responses in HgCdTe infrared photovoltaic detectors irradiated with picosecond pulsed laser 皮秒脉冲激光照射下碲镉汞光伏红外探测器的负光伏响应新现象
The variation of the temperature distribution is discussed with the variation of the pulsed laser power density. 通过改变脉冲激光功率密度分布函数的形状,分析了温度分布的变化。
Single event effect experiment for devices and circuits aboard on satellite using pulsed laser 利用脉冲激光开展的卫星用器件和电路单粒子效应试验
Detection system design and signal processing for digital pulsed laser fuze 数字化脉冲激光引信探测系统设计与信号处理
Effect of Laser Energy on the Properties of ZnO Films by Pulsed Laser Deposition Method 激光能量对脉冲激光沉积法制备ZnO薄膜性能的影响
Micro-power detector for pulsed laser 脉冲激光器微功率探测仪
A Study on Pulsed Laser Deposition of Diamond-like Carbon Films 脉冲激光沉积法制备类金刚石薄膜的研究
Influence of Substrate to the Density-Reversion Time of Environment During Single Pulsed Laser Ablation 衬底对单脉冲激光烧蚀下环境密度恢复时间的影响
Microstructure and Surface Morphology of LiCoO_2 Thin Film Grown under Different Temperature by Pulsed Laser Deposition 不同温度下脉冲激光沉积LiCoO2薄膜的微观结构和表面形貌
Study of VO_2 Thermochromic Thin Films Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition 脉冲激光沉积法制备VO2热致变色薄膜研究进展
Research on ZnO and the Related Multilayers Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition 脉冲激光沉积氧化锌及其相关多层膜的研究
This paper introduces a high-frequency series resonant charing method of solid pulsed laser power source, basing on constant current charging of digital control technology. 介绍了一种高频串联谐振充电的固体脉冲激光电源及其数字化控制恒流充电技术。
Experiment Analysis of pulsed laser disturbance on long-wave infrared detector 脉冲激光对长波红外探测器干扰实验分析
Research of Pulsed Laser Induced Damage on Photodetector 脉冲激光对光电探测器损伤效应的研究
Experiment of Diamond-Like Carbon Film Deposited by Pulsed Laser and Cell Compatibility of Diamond-Like Carbon Film 脉冲激光沉积类金刚石膜和细胞相容性研究
High precision time interval measurement in pulsed laser ranging 脉冲激光测距中高精度时间间隔的测量
Research on the Measurement System of Remote Energy Density of the Pulsed Laser 脉冲激光器远场能量密度测试系统研究
Dynamic model of plasma expansion in nanosecond pulsed laser deposition 纳秒脉冲激光沉积中等离子体膨胀的动力学模型
Research of centimeter-level ranging technology based on ultra-narrow pulsed laser 基于超窄脉宽激光器的厘米级测距技术研究
Further application of pulsed laser technique to the study of high energy physics and cosmic ray physics are discussed. 最后,就脉冲激光技术在高能物理和宇宙线物理研究中的进一步应用作了讨论。
Based on the self-pulsing theory in fiber laser and the spatial-coupling model in solid state laser, the physical mechanism of pulsed laser generation is investigated and explained. 基于光纤激光器自脉冲和固体激光器空间耦合的理论,对脉冲光产生的机理进行了分析,解释脉冲光产生的物理机制。
A high power pulsed laser mode measuring system using planar CCD camera is hereby introduced in this peper. 本文介绍了一种用面阵CCD摄像机作探测器的激光光束测量装置。
Study on the Surface Oxidation Phenomenon of the AISI 304 Stainless Steel by Nd: YAG Pulsed Laser Melting Nd:YAG脉冲激光熔凝AISI304不锈钢表面氧化现象的研究
Research on high peak power active-active transient mode-locked pulsed laser 高峰值功率主动-主动瞬态锁模激光技术研究